Research Papers, Reports, & News
General Mobile CSP
Hoffman, B., Rosato, J., Morelli, R. 2019. Student engagement is key to broadening participation in CS (preprint). In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’19), Minneapolis, MN.
Mobile CSP Students Perform Well on 2018 AP Exam - Report on AP Exam Data for Mobile CSP
78% of Mobile CSP Students Passed 2017 AP Exam - Report on AP Exam Data for Mobile CSP
Lucarelli, C., Rosato, J., & Beckworth, C. (2017). "Viritual Visits:" Promising practices and lessons learned in the use of video teaching samples for online professional development. In. J. Dron & S. Mishra (Eds), Processings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 978-983). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved February 14, 2018 from
Blocks and Beyond Workshop Preprint. Abstraction as a Predictor of Difficulty in Quizly Problems. (B. Hoffman, I. Ilyankou, R. Morelli, 2017).
ITiCSE 2017 Preprint A Comparison of Online and Hybrid Professional Development for CS Principles Teachers, (Rosato J., Lucarelli C., Beckworth C., Morelli R., ITiCSE '17, July 03-05, 2017, Bologna, Italy DOI:
Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice, A MOOC-based Professional Development Model for CS Principles (R. Morelli, C. Uche, P. Lake, L. Baldwin, J. Rosato and C. Takkunen Lucarelli) Washington, D.C., April 2016. (slides)
Blocks and Beyond Workshop Preprint Quizly: A Live-Coding Assessment Platform for App Inventor (F. Maiorana, D. Giordano, R. Morelli, 2016).
Mobile CSP Team, Analyzing Year One of a CS Principles Project (SIGCSE Slides)
SIGCSE 2015 Preprint Analyzing Year One of a CS Principles PD Project (R. Morelli, C. Uche, P. Lake, L. Baldwin. DOI 10.1145/2676723.2677265).
Concurrent Enrollment Project
Renee Fall and Jennifer Rosato. (2020). Computer Science through Concurrent Enrollment: Barriers and Supports to Broadening Participation. 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT). Portland, OR.
Renee Fall, Seth Freeman, Ronald I. Greenberg, Dan Kaiser, and Nigamanth Sridhar. 2020. Computer Science through Concurrent Enrollment: A Strategy to Broaden Participation. In Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 805–806. DOI:
Renee Fall, Beryl Hoffman, Jennifer Rosato, Seth Freeman, Dan Kaiser (2019). CS through CE: Broadening Participation and Building Pathways in Computer Science through Concurrent Enrollment. 2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT). Minneapolis, MN.
Hands-on session on CSP-through-CE at MN Codes Summit in Minneapolis (May 2019)
Hands-on session on CSP-through-CE at ImpactEducation in Minneapolis (December 2019)
Featured in RPPforCS Research Practice Brief #2
Monthly Newsletters
News Articles - Mobile CSP through Concurrent Enrollment
College of St. Scholastica, National Leadership: College Creates Computer Science Education Center (College of St. Scholastica, Decemeber 7, 2018).
Capital Community College, Capital Community College Awarded National Science Foundation Grant to Broaden Participation and Build Pathways in Computer Science (Capital Community College, September 28, 2018).
News Articles - Mobile CSP
Trinity College, Mobile Apps for Hartford Student Interns Debut New App at Connecticut Science Center, (Trinity College, Andrew Concatelli, August 2017)
North Shore Hebrew Academy High School 1st Ever Mobile CSP Expo in the NY Metro Area, (North Shore Hebrew Academy High School, May 2017).
David McKay Students showcase app designs at Trinity College, (WFSB 3 Eyewitness News Hartford, CT, May 23 2017).
Winchester Wicked Local, Students create apps to solve everyday problems, (Melissa Russell, Winchester Wicked Local, March 2017).
Daily Hampshire Gazette, Computer science comes to life in new class at Granby High School, (Emily Cutts, Daily Hampshire Gazette, March 2017).
Trinity College, Mobile CSP Project Receives Supplemental Grant to Support 2016-17 PD, (Trinity College, Andrew Concatelli, June 2016).
Hartford Courant, High School Student Hopes New App Will Make Hartford Safer (Kathleen Megan, Hartford Courant, May 25, 2016)., Mobile CSP Listed as a 3rd Party Partner of (, June 2015)
College Board, College Board to Endorse the Mobile CSP Curriculum (College Board, June 4, 2015)
Trinity College, Greater Hartford High School Students Demonstrate that, Indeed, There’s an App for That (No Matter What “That” May Be) (Trinity College, June 2, 2015)
Hartford Courant Community , Taking It National at Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (Hartford Courant, February 3, 2015)
Nick Longworth, New Mobile Coding Class at BHS 'Not Just for Geeks' (Savage Pacer, February 2, 2015)
Trinity College produces a 4 minute Mobile Apps for Hartford Video
Connecticut Education Association, Professional Development Goes Mobile (CEA Advisor, Volume 57, Number 3, December 2014)
National Science Foundation Discoveries, App-ealing to students through app development (December 10, 2014)
Duluth News Tribune, CSS grant to go toward computer science program in schools (December 8, 2014)
David Wolber, Harold Abelson and Mark Friedman, Democratizing Computing with App Inventor (GetMobile, October, 2014)
College of St. Scholastica, TeachIT - Scaling Mobile CSP Professional Development Online (NSF, September 4, 2014).
Trinity College, Students Develop Mobile Apps for City of Hartford and Local Organizations (Trinity College, August 19, 2014)
John Atashian, Mobile Apps for Hartford Photo Gallery (Trinity College, August 15, 2014)
Kerri Provost, Students Create Apps for City of Hartford and Cultural Institutions (Real Hartford, August 18, 2014)
Amy Parmenter, Students Develop Mobile Apps for City of Hartford (NBC Connecticut News, August 15, 2014)
Trinity College, Hartford-area High School Students Proudly Display Mobile Apps (May 23, 2014)
Pete Kasperowicz, House to launch nationwide contest encouraging students to develop mobile 'apps' (The Hill, February 20, 2013).
Vanessa de la Torre, Trinity Professor Receives Federal Grant To Expand Computer Science In High Schools (Hartford, Courant, January 17, 2013).
Michelle Jacklin, Trinity Receives $902,000 National Science Foundation Grant (Hartford Courant, January 3, 2013).
Candace Sweat, University of Alabama Professor receives NSF Grant to Expand Computer Science in Alabama Schools (ABC3340, November 30, 2012).
Trinity College, Random Hacks of Kindness Event Focuses on Sanitation Issues (November 12, 2012).
Google, Morelli App Inventor Teacher Story (Google, July 12, 2011)